Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Differences Between Farm And Ranch Fencing

Whether raising chickens on a farm or cattle on a ranch, farmers want to protect their investments while keeping them happy and safe. When it comes to making the right fencing choices, it really all comes down to scale.

Let’s start with the different types of fencing used on a farm. Here, the animals are smaller, but they still create some unique challenges.

Goats, for example, are climbers and escape artists. Their ability to find routes over or under their fences means they need a taller fence – at least four feet – and one that goes all the way to the ground. Wire mesh is a good option for both goats and sheep as it contains them safely while preventing predators from entering their pens.

Pigs are known for their intelligence, and their weight adds to the challenge. They will find a weak spot in a fence and prod at it with their noses until they create an exit. Many times electrified wire is recommended for pigs because after they receive a shock they won’t soon go back to that spot. Pigs also like to chew, so a heavy-gauge wire is essential.


Chickens are a popular farm animal but are particularly problematic to keep safe. Not only are they able to fly away, but they also are easy targets for predators such as coyotes or raccoons. There is a wide variety of options for enclosing chicken coops and runs, ranging from classic chicken wire to galvanized hardware mesh. Chain link also can work well, though the spacing of the holes should be considered.

Finally, assuming a large garden or crops would be part of this farm, deer fencing could be on the list of necessities. The ideal deer fence is high and sturdy but does not interfere with the beauty of the countryside. It should be nearly invisible from a distance but hearty enough deter a deer without injuring it.

Ranch fences, on the other hand, must contain animals of a much larger size. The materials should be highly visible to horses and cattle and not pose an injury threat if a post or rail is broken.

Wood, vinyl and steel all are options for horse fencing and each has its pros and cons. Wood and vinyl are pretty but could scratch or impale an animal if broken. Steel is sturdy and durable but has no “give” when run into.

Cows, because they don’t jump high, are a little simpler to deal with. Electrified wire or poly tape fencing are some of the popular options for containing cattle. Ranchers should choose the fencing material that fits their needs, budget and objective.

For more information about fencing types, please visit this website.


  1. I am trying to decide what type of fence to get, now that I'm raising goats, and I think the wire mesh that you suggested would be a good option. It doesn't have a lot of give to it, so predators won't be able to gnaw their way in, or knock it down. It is also extremely stable and reliable, so hopefully I will get a lot of years out of it, before it needs to be replaced.
    Chain Wire Mesh

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